Re: [tied] Re: again Slavic "dragU"

From: Miguel Carrasquer
Message: 33622
Date: 2004-07-25

On Sun, 25 Jul 2004 11:51:08 +0000, Abdullah Konushevci
<a_konushevci@...> wrote:

>I guess that you are aware of liquids' metathesis in South-Slavic
>languages, which, I think, can't affect as diphthongs as vowels.

We are aware of the liquid metathesis. It affects the
_diphthongs_ /el/, /er/, /ol/ (or */al/), /or/ (or */ar/).

>So,my reconstruction of protoform *dHo:rgHU 'dear', as an metathetic
>variant of contracted and lengthened form of *dHrougH- seems very

It's not convincing at all, it's nonsense. The P(B)S form
underlying "dear" is *dargas (an o-stem, not a u-stem!), the
form underlying "friend" is *draugas. There is absolutely
positively no way they can be connected. The "friend" root
may have Ablaut variants *drug- or *dreug-, but never
*darg-. The "dear" word may have Ablaut variants *derg- or
*dr.g-, but never *draug-.

>, after we see that regular outcome of /*o:/ > /a/ (it was
>my mistake that I follow Mr. Vidal and you that /*o:/ can't yields
>Slavic /a/, see previous messages).

Of course PIE */o:/ gives Slavic /a/. The problem is that
there is no */o:/ in *dargas (> Pol. drog-, Russ. dorog-,
SSl. drag-).

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal