Re: [tied] Wuz

From: tgpedersen
Message: 33486
Date: 2004-07-12

--- In, "Brian M. Scott" <BMScott@...>
> At 4:54:59 AM on Saturday, July 10, 2004, tgpedersen wrote:
> > Given (my guess) Germ. *wos- > French gueux "beggar;
> > uncouth person" > (loan) Dutch geus "beggar",
> Petit Robert derives <gueux> from Middle Dutch <guit>
> 'fripon, fourbe'; the word is first noted in 1452.

Larousse says <guit> + Fr. <-eux>, which I'm not happy with.

> offers this as one of two possibilities, the other being
> derivation from Old French <geuse> 'gorge',

That would be 'd3รถ:z&', or?

>from Low Latin
> <geusiae> 'joues', of Gaulish origin.

I still like my idea better. Note German Wasenknecht,
-meister "knacker", an "untouchable" profession.
