Re: [tied] Re: Unreality...

From: P&G
Message: 33066
Date: 2004-06-03

> _injicio:_ whose reality however is
> less then secure. ... [inic-] is often metrically
> demanded, but even more often [injic-] is. It looks like a
> vacillating norm: the form with reduced -jic- > -ic- would be the
> older one, while -jic- is a restoration.

I understand that forms with metrical -ic- instead of -jic- do not occur
until the time of Ovid. Which makes the expected -jic- forms the older (as
they must be from their formation). Do you have earlier examples? Even
Virgil and Horace (only slightly before Ovid) seem consistent in using
metrical -jic-. Eg Aeneid 9:553 begins inicit - which must have a heavy
first syllable.
