Old Czech hpán vs. Modern Czech pan, pán

From: Petr Hrubiš
Message: 33000
Date: 2004-05-31

What should be their etymologies?
There are two discussed etymologies of the Czech expressions for "Mr." (pan) or "lord". (pán)
Oldest attested form of both of them is OCz. hpán [hpa:n] which has following possibilities to reconstruct.
1.    Cz. pan, pán < OCz. hpán < OS *gUpan- where we might see the ablaut *gup > gUp- to *geup- (as in "z^upan")
2.    Cz. pan, pán was newly recreated after orig. femin. paní [pan^i:] "lady", later also "Mrs." < *pot-n-ija
Can anyone help? Thanx