Re: [tied] The Rise of Feminines (aka Where's Waldo)

From: Miguel Carrasquer
Message: 32663
Date: 2004-05-17

On Sun, 16 May 2004 22:28:04 +0000, elmeras2000
<jer@...> wrote:

>--- In, Miguel Carrasquer <mcv@...> wrote:
>> On Sun, 16 May 2004 16:43:29 +0000, elmeras2000
>> <jer@...> wrote:
>> >Do you really mean to equate the desinential part of nominatives
>> >like Vedic ay-ám and OLat. qoi, Celtic *kWei, Germ. *hwai (OE
>> >hwa: 'who') with the *-oy of the plural cases of pronouns and
>> >thematic nouns?
>> No. I equate the -e: in Vedic imé: with it.
>Oh, sorry about that. But I find that hard to believe too. It would
>mean that the inflection of the nouns is better preserved than that
>of the pronouns, although the inflection is basically the same.

Better preserved in what way? Which nouns: thematic or

The inflection is indeed basically the same (if we leave
personal pronouns out of it). The main differences are: *-d pronouns
*-m them. nouns
*-0 athem. nouns
The thematic ending seems to be an innovation.

"abs"/voc. *-ey/*-oy pronouns
*-e thematics
*-0 athematics (but i-/u-stems *-ey, *-ew)
The thematic ending seems to be an innovation. *-esyo/*-osyo pronouns, thematics
*-os, *-es, *-s athematics
The pronominal/thematic ending is an innovation.

dat/loc/(ins/abl) *-sm- infix: pronouns
not in thematics, athematics
The pronouns have innovated.

abl. sg. does not exist in athematics
Athematic "innovation". *-ey/*-oy pronouns, thematics
*-es (thematics), athematics
The pronouns/thematics have innovated (gen/acc -> nom), but
the athematic ending is of pronominal origin. *-s-om pronouns
*-oy-m thematics (> *-o::m)
*-om athematics
Pronominal/thematic innovations (old gen/ was

Dat/Abl/Ins/Loc pl. *-ey-/*-oy- pronouns, thematics
*-bh(i)-/*-m- athematics
(I see no reason why ath. cannot be *-bh-sú > *-sú)
Both plural oblique stems are old (Proto-Nostratic *-ati /

For the rest, the endings are indeed identical:
nom. *-s < *-z
acc. *-m
dat. *-éi
loc. *-i
ins. *-éh1 < *-ét
n. *-h2
acc. *-ms
dat. *-ós(W)
loc. *-sú < *-sW-í
ins. *-ís(W)

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal