From: Miguel Carrasquer
Message: 32417
Date: 2004-04-30
>29-04-2004 15:55, Miguel Carrasquer wrote:My knowledge of Brythonic is limited, although it's true that
>> So perhaps Greek had *s- in aietos too: *sh2wyet-os,
>> syllabified as *sawyetos > aietos (no h- because of
>> dissimilation with inner -/h/- from *y and/or *w?). Come to
>> think of it, Brythonic "duck" has h- (We. hwyad, OCorn. hoet,
>> Bret. houad), left unexplained in IEW, but likely from *s-.
>But how does one get <hwyad> from anything like *s(h2)w(i)jeto-? While I
>agree that an *s- should be recontructed, initial *sw- would have
>yielded Welsh chw-; whereas *sawjeto- won't work vowel-wise. The
>Brittonic vocalism points to *sei- rather than atnything else, and the
>full Celtic pre-form might be something like *seiPato-, for example.