On Wed, 28 Apr 2004 03:14:34 +0200, Miguel Carrasquer
mcv@...> wrote:
>On Tue, 27 Apr 2004 17:02:25 -0700 (PDT),
>enlil@... wrote:
>>I said:
>>> It may also be at the end of *xawi- "bird" which is an animal most
>>> often found in flocks.
>>Apology. We agreed that it was *hWawi-.
>Who is we?
>Jens used to reconstruct *(s)H(1/3)áwoih1s, G.
>*(s)H(1/3)wéih1s, and I almost agree [although I prefer
>*(s)h2wóih1s, *(s)h2wéih1s, with *h2- and *h1 < *t, cf. Grk.
>aietós < *h2wyet-os "eagle"].
>Maybe you're confusing flocks of birds with flocks of sheep
>(like Harold, the flying sheep), but again, I don't think we
>have *h3 there (I'd rather reconstruct *h2ówis, *h2éwyos).
I forgot to motivate my reconstructions.
Ved. vé:s (vís), acc. vim, gen. vé:s
Av. vi:s^, Gpl. vayaNm
MP va:i
Grk. aietós (*awyetos) "eagle"
Alb. vi-da "dove"
Lat. avis
We. hwyad (*awyetos) "duck"
Arm. haw
Hit. suwais
+ "egg":
Av. -a:vaya-
OP. xa:ya(?)
Grk. o:ion, ó:eon (*o:w(i)yom, *o:weyom)
We. wy (*o:wyom)
Arm. ju (*yo:yo-)
Lat. o:vum
OCS (j)ajI-ce
Gmc. *ajjaz
The archaic Vedic nominative vé:s must come from *HwóiHs.
If the ending had been simply *-oi, that would have given
lengthened nom.sg. -o:is > Skt. -a: (e.g. sakha:). The
first laryngeal is *h2, as shown by Greek a- in aietos.
The Arm. and Hitt. forms have "mobile" *s-. Hittite
*sh2wóiHs regularly gives swais (written suwais), with
deletion of the laryngeal in interconsonantal position. The
second laryngeal is *h1, the regular outcome of *t in
preconsonantal position, and *t is confirmed by the
derivatives Grk. aietos, We. hwyad (*h2wyet-os), as well as
by the Gmc. s-stem (eggys/eyren!) in the derivative "egg"
[assuming some connection between *t and s-stems]. "Egg"
can be reconstructed as *o-h2wyh1-om (> *o:wyom, Grk.
*o:wey-om) or *h2wyh1-(o/e)s- (Gmc. *ayyas-).
Ved. ávi- G. ávyas
Arm. hov-iw- "shepherd"
Grk. óis, oîs, G. oiós
Lat. ovis, G. ovis
OIr. ói
We. ewig (*owi:ka:)
Gmc. *awi:, G. *awjo:z
Luw. ha:w(a/i)-
Lyc. xawa-
ToB eye, pl. awi (EIEC: *h2owe:is, *h2awéies)
Vedic has short a- (not a:-) which must come from the
oblique forms in *h2a-. Elsewhere, nom. -o- has been
transferred to the oblique, except in the Toch. plural,
which shows /a/. The laryngeal in Anatolian is more
suggestive of *h2 than *h3 (*h3 is usually(?) lost). Arm.
h- here can reflect either *h2 or *h3.
The Germanic and Tocharian forms suggest the possibility of
a heavy *oy-stem paradigm *h2ówo:ys, acc. *h2ówim, gen.
*h2áwyos, later regularized to *owis, *owim, *owyos (*awis,
*awim, *awyas in Sanskrit).
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal