Re: [tied] etymology of Keftiu

From: enlil@...
Message: 32297
Date: 2004-04-25

> If Kaphtor was transformed to Crete, is it possible that Kaphtor
> was also transformed into Kartlos or Kartli?

It really gets boring when people are too lazy to find the
etymologies of these names on their own and expect others to
listen to endless, random connections for no gain. What are
you trying to find? Why can't you go to a library to find it?
Comparative linguistics isn't just a game of word association.
Many amateurs do this instead of reading books on how linguistics
is actually done like they're supposed to. So they eventually get
frustrated as to why everyone is dismissing their latest Sumerian-
is-Ukranian theory.

You have to get acquainted with the known histories of the words
you dish out at us left and right. If you don't know, your best
bet is a library and, sadly, you'll find that many of the
connections you make are immediately untenable. C'est la vie.
In the process though, you might find connections with more
meat on them that are more worthy to pursue.

= gLeN