Jasz word list

From: CG
Message: 32199
Date: 2004-04-23

For the past few years I have been fascinated by the description of
a medieval Latin-Jasz wordlist having being discovered in the last
century in Hungary, but I haven't had the ability to track down any
offline sources that dealt with it.

Tonight I was reminded of the list and decided to look on the net
for any new information, and I was lucky enough to stumble across a
Hungarian website which seems to offer the entire wordlist. Now, I
don't speak Hungarian, so I had to use an online-translation service
to decode the list, but this is what I came up with (including the
Hungarian translation of the Latin - if anyone sees that I have
mistranslated anything, please correct me - I missed a few words, so
if anyone can provide the English equivalents for them, I would
appreciate it)

Dr Rusvai Kálmán: Jászok eredete és nyelve
Kecskemét 1977
Dr Fodor Ferenc: A jászság életrajza
Budapest Szent István Társulat kiadása 1942
Szikszai Gábor: Olvasókönyv Jászapáti
Történetéhez / I. –elsõ – kötet /

Da = tied "thine"
Ban = nap "day"
Horz = jó "good"
Na = mienk ?????????????????
Heca = gazda, "farmer"
Soseg = csendes, békés, "serene, calm, peaceful"
Izon = reggel, "morning"
Khevef = kenyér, "bread"
Fit = hús, "flesh, meat"
Baza = leves, "juice, soup"
Sana = bor, "wine"
Jayca = tojás, "egg"
Kapcen = borsó, "pea, pease"
Dan = víz, "water"
Manuona = gabona, "corn, grain"
Zabar = zab, "corn, oats"
Huvaz = széna, "hay"
Karbach = árpa, "barley"
Huvar = köles, "millet"
Kasa = kása, "mush, pulp, squash"
Oras boza = sörféleség ????????????????????
Tabak = tál, "basin, bowl, dish"
Cugan = fazék, "cooking pot"
Odok = kanál, "bailer, spoon"
Gist = túró, "cheese"
Carif = vaj, "butter"
Karak = csirke, "chicken"
Caz /qaz/ = lúd "goose, geese"
Kurajnuk = malomkõ
Kuraj = malom, "millstone"
Bah = ló, "horse"
Acca = vadkacsa, "wild duck"
Gal = ökör, "ox"
Ere = bárány, "lamb"
Fus = juh, "sheep"
Saka = kecske, "goat"
Vas = borjú, "calf"
Dicega = tehén, "cow"
Goga = csemege "confection, dairy, delicacy"
Buca = sajt, "cheese"

A két köszönési forma:
Daban horz naheca = jó napot gazdánk és "good afternoon"
Soseg izon = jó reggelt! "good morning"

Any comments on the words, and their relationship to modern Ossetic,
would be greatly appreciated (I am especially interested in the word
for "horse", Bah, as I expected something like Ossetic Jaefs).

- Chris Gwinn

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