An error:
> This has been shown to be a non-issue. It's the synthesis of
> *t-e-x-, not *te-x-.
I mean *t-ex-, not *t-e-x-, where *-ex is the feminine ending,
sorry. That makes a teensy bit of difference.
To be clear, the feminine ending when it was created was not a
feminine ending; it was a human collective ending. It was
created during Schwa Diffusion, producing *-ex out of *-&x
because *x was voiceless [h.]. When the feminine gender was
being popularized in nonAnatolian dialects of IE, this same
ending was applied for this purpose in nouns and subsequently
tacked onto what was perceived to be the initial *t- segment in
the alternating *t[e/o]- paradigm, producing a perceived string
*t-ex- in non-nominative feminine forms by simple analogy.
= gLeN