Re: [tied] The disappearance of *-s -- The saga continues

From: enlil@...
Message: 31853
Date: 2004-04-12

>> Well, maybe we're both wrong because with accusative plural
>> *-ns and *kWi-s "who" nothing seems to work, not even your
>> rule.

> For what it's worth, I think this is a place where we have to
> distinguish the s's. In the end all retained sibilants became
> PIE /s/, which is why many won't believe it.

Yes, it's true that your idea almost seems to solve a problem.
However, it doesn't do it in the fullest sense and there are
contradictions from what I see. "Dissimilatory" processes
that are really unmotivated don't help either but I'm going for
coffee, I'll ponder on this, and come back with my results later.

= gLeN