> We see that Kartvelian (*mi, *ki) occupies an intermediary
> position between "South Nostratic" (PAA, Basque, 1/2
> pronouns *ni, *ki) and "North Nostratic" (PIE, Uralic,
> Altaic, EA, etc., 1/2 pronouns *mi, *ti or *mu, *tu).
It's simple. Vasconic is not Nostratic. It lies just outside
Nostratic, as does Hattic, NWC and NEC. Taking out Vasconic,
we should realize what I've been saying for the longest time:
Nostratic had a suppletive set of pronouns, one set used for
absolutive and the other for ergative.
So with the *mu-set, we should have *ku (masc) or *tu (fem)
in the 2ps while in the *u-set, we expect *nu. I would say
that Kartv *si is from Nostratic *tu. I think that the
plural of *ku/*tu was *ti for both genders, hence the
confusion in later Nostratic languages.
= gLeN