Re: [tied] Whence Grimm?

From: george knysh
Message: 31753
Date: 2004-04-06

Point n.2

--- tgpedersen <tgpedersen@...> wrote:
> Jan Derk Boosen: Das Oder-Warthe Gebiet in der
> Przeworsk-Kultur
> w�hrend der ausgehenden vorr�mischen Eisenzeit und
> der �lteren
> Kaiserzeit, footnote 854, p 237:
> "... Die handelsgeschichliche Bedeutung des gesamten
> n�rdlichen
> Beskidenvorlandes geht unter anderem daraus hervor,
> dass ostgallisch-
> rheinisches und elgermanisches Trachtgut bis in den
> oberen Dnestrraum
> gelangte. Pontisches Tongeschirr und solches der
> Lipica-Kultur
> erreichte andererseits die Umgebung Krakaus."
> "The trade-historical significance of the area
> immediately nort od
> the Beskidy is apparent among other reasons by the
> fact that elements
> of dress of the culture of Eastern Gaul/the Rhine
> area and the Elbe-
> Gemanic culture reach into the the area of the upper
> Dniestr.
> Conversely, Pontic and Lipica-culture pottery
> reached the vicinity of
> Krak�w"
> (TP)I thought you swore on your great-grandmother's
> grave that there was
> no Pontic stuff whatsoever in East European finds?

****GK: What I said is that there was no
archaeological indication of any significant Sarmatian
presence in Germanic areas at the time crucial for
your thesis, viz., the mid- 1rst c. BC and slightly
earlier. Now I take it that this quote from Boosen
represents your "proof" of a population movement from
Bastarnia into Vandalia? The little protuberances are
flapping very hard, but still narry a breeze...

(1) What does Boosen mean by "Pontic pottery"?
(2) What is his time frame for the citation you have
given? He mentions "Pontic pottery" and "Lipica
pottery" in one breath. Now the latter is an upper
Dnister archaeological reality associated with the
historical Costoboki, and dated VERY PRECISELY as of
the 1rst to the end of the 2nd C. AD (no elements
earlier than 20 AD have been discovered, and the
heyday is 40-70 AD.) The Costobokian complex also
included Germanic elements (Vandalic and others). Does
Boosen mention Poeneshti-Lukashevka?******

>(TP) And pottery at
> that? That means that whover went to the vicinity of
> Krak�w from
> Pontus brought their womenfolk too.

*****GK: It means nothing of the sort unless further
evidence is provided. We have countless instances of
"imported" wares where migration is not implied. You
need to see if Boosen describes the nature of the
sites where these material elements appear.*****

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