Re: Whence Grimm?

From: tgpedersen
Message: 31680
Date: 2004-04-02

> Gmc. *sad(u)laz is mysterious. I've seen suggestions that it might
be a
> loan from Indo-Iranian, but where in Indo-Iranian do we find a
> prototype attested with the meaning 'saddle'? If the word comes
from the
> same source as Slavic sed(U)lo (including the possibility of a
loan from
> Slavic), why on earth do they have different vocalism? Any ideas,

I'd have thought that the -a- proved Indo-Iranian provenance (PIE e
> a).

On the gender thing: German <Sessel> is m., as is <Sattel>, perhaps
that's where it's from. But just above it in Duden was <Satte>
f. "bowl in which milk is left to curdle", D. suggests derivation
from Low German <setten>, since the word is North German, but no
explanation of the vowel. Kumyss? Where do all those sour-milk
traditions come from?
