31277P&G2004-02-29Re: [tied] Almost NO Indian or Iranian scholars active in IE lingui
31287mkelkar20032004-02-29Re: [tied] Almost NO Indian or Iranian scholars active in IE lingui
31288enlil@...2004-02-29Re: [tied] Almost NO Indian or Iranian scholars active in IE lingui
31290Piotr Gasiorowski2004-02-29Re: [tied] Almost NO Indian or Iranian scholars active in IE lingui
31294wtsdv2004-02-29Re: [tied] Almost NO Indian or Iranian scholars active in IE lingui
31308mkelkar20032004-03-01reply to Mr. Watson
31309Piotr Gasiorowski2004-03-01Re: [tied] reply to Mr. Watson
31310george knysh2004-03-01Re: [tied] reply to Mr. Watson
31312P&G2004-03-01Re: [tied] Almost NO Indian or Iranian scholars active in IE lingui
31313mkelkar20032004-03-01Re: [tied] Almost NO Indian or Iranian scholars active in IE lingui
31314wtsdv2004-03-01Re: reply to Mr. Watson
31315wtsdv2004-03-01Re: [tied] reply to Mr. Watson
31317mkelkar20032004-03-02Re: reply to Mr. Watson
31334mkelkar20032004-03-02Re: reply to Mr. Watson
31337Piotr Gasiorowski2004-03-02Re: [tied] Re: reply to Mr. Watson
31339wtsdv2004-03-02Re: reply to Mr. Watson
31340wtsdv2004-03-02Re: reply to Mr. Watson
31341juhavs2004-03-02The Mighty Sarasvati Mirage (was Re: reply to Mr. Watson)
31342mkelkar20032004-03-02Re: reply to Mr. Watson
31348Piotr Gasiorowski2004-03-03Re: [tied] Re: reply to Mr. Watson
31349ND2004-03-03Re: [tied] Almost NO Indian or Iranian scholars active in IE lingui
31352mkelkar20032004-03-03[tied] Re: reply to Mr. Watson
31353mkelkar20032004-03-03[tied] Re: reply to Mr. Watson
31354Piotr Gasiorowski2004-03-03Re: [tied] Re: reply to Mr. Watson
31355mkelkar20032004-03-03[tied] Re: reply to Mr. Watson
31356Piotr Gasiorowski2004-03-03Re: [tied] Re: reply to Mr. Watson
31367enlil@...2004-03-05Re: [tied] Re: reply to Mr. Watson