Re: [tied] Re: Eggs from birds and swift horses

From: enlil@...
Message: 31171
Date: 2004-02-18

> Happy to concede it wasn't a vital prefix, if you're conceding
> it was a prefix.

Yes, it WAS a prefix. That's not the issue. The issue is whether
it's really Proto-IE or Post-IE. I say the latter. But even
so, we know that IE didn't abound in prefixes anyway and
all of these prefixes were developped at a late stage from
what I can see.

> But enough of that trail - Latin /e:st/ interests me.

Okay so apparently something short-circuitted in my brain.
The funny thing is that I could swear reading something
about the e-augment surviving somehow in Italic. So
I'm going to hunt down what source led me astray...
Rrrrr >;( Carry on.

= gLeN