Re: [tied] Re: Six, -ts- > -ks-

From: Miguel Carrasquer
Message: 31045
Date: 2004-02-14

On Fri, 13 Feb 2004 17:27:42 -0500, Jim Rader <jrader@...>

>Or maybe different outcomes of palatalized /s/: a) shifting the
>articulation points (/s'/ to /s^/); or b) detaching palatality and fixing it to
>the left of the consonant.--Jim Rader

Well, that's plainly what happened in some cases, but not in all.

French palatalized r^, str^, t^, s^, c^, ss^, st^ got rid of the
palatalization by shedding a yod to the left:

paria > paire
ostrea > huistre

palatiu > palais
basiat > baise
place:re > plaisir

*bassiat > baisse
angustia > angoisse

However, in the case of /ks/ and /kt/ the development was to /jC/ directly
(presumably through /kC/ > /xC/ > /çC/ > /jC/):

laxare > laisser
factu > fait

There was no stage /ks/ > /s^/ or /kt/ > /t^/, otherwise we would have
gotten laxare > *laiser (like baiser), and factu > *fais (like palais).

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal