From: george-st@...
Message: 30799
Date: 2004-02-07
>pedica > piedicã not piedecãUp to 1954, piedecã was the standard spelling.
>blasphe:ma:re > blestema not blãsfemarevariant: blãstãma: blástãm, -i, -ã, blãstãmãm, -atzi,
>folia > foaie not foalefoale means... "stomach".
>cere:sia > cirea$ã not cereasevariant: cireasã, cirese (in Transylvania)
>vi:nea > vie not viieActually it should've be viie, but, since [ij] isn't important
>5) by > ybbut also aibe, which is - I suppose - more frequent than
>habeat > aibã not abe
>investi:re > înve$ti(re) not înve$tzire??
>deorsum > jos not giorsand gios (in Moldavia, where gioc = joc "play, game; dance")
>mergere > merge not mierge [?]and mere ['mae-re] (esp. in Transylv.)
>Miguel Carrasquer VidalGeorge