PIE -> Dacian : Method (part 1)
From: alexandru_mg3
Message: 29709
Date: 2004-01-16
M.Iacomi wrote:
<< On which basis do you assert that Argessos/Argissos (but why not
Ordessos?!) have to be linked with PIE "*arg^"? >>
I try to present the Method that I tried to apply in order to
identify the 'PIE -> Dacian' sound transformation rules.
Expected Results : Viewing the input material that we have
regarding Dacian language, the results of any method can ONLY be
considered in probabilistic terms like :
'very probable', 'probable', 'less probable', 'improbable'
The method is mainly the following :
Phase I.
Identify the set of Dacian Glosses :
I.1. - very few words with a 'very probable' meaning (like dava ,
viss/-a )
I.2. - Dacian toponims (like Sarmizegethusa, Potaissa, Sargetia,
I.3. - Dacian personal names (like Decebal, Vezina, Burebista,
Diegis )
I.4. - Dacian plants names (like Prodiorna, Hormia, Skiare)
Phase II.
II.1 - Use the dacian glosses that have a meaning that can be
identified with 'high' probability
(like: 'dava'). Identify the PIE root for them.
II.2 - Based on II.1, try to identified the 'very probable'
transformation rules:
like Dac.R.1 e: -> a: -> o (PIE *dhe:wa -> dava ;
Patavissa >Potaissa ;
Paralissum -> Porolissum )
Dac.R.2 dh -> d
Phase III.
III.1 - Identify Dacian roots based on the existing Dacian
Criteria : - a root has to be identified from more than one glosses.
- the root have to be extracted from the glosses
considered 'very probable' as Dacian (at least one glosse in Dacia
Traiana territory or in the 'dava' zone; take care not to select
Thracian , Celtic, Iranic glosses even inside this territory...)
- the root need to can be easy extracted/identified from
the glosses.
Note N.III.1: P^arvan, is the reference for III.1, because it's
him that apply the III.1 criteria in Getica in order to identify the
Dacian toponims (even he didn't describes his method explicity, the
used method results clearly from his book)
( see my next message where I tried to exemplify on the root 'argi')
III.2 Identify a possible set of PIE roots for each
identified Dacian root.
Description : For any extracted Dacian root in III.1 try to
identify a set of possible PIE roots ( using the transformations
already identify in II.2 and in previous III.4 steps )
(example : for an identified Dacian root 'argi' we could have PIE
*arg^ and also a possible PIE *erg^ (due to PIE *e: -> Dacian a: )
III.3 Identify the 'most probable' PIE root.
Based on the meanings of the identified PIE roots
(+cognates) and the nature of toponims, personal name etc.. try to
select from the possible PIE roots (identified at step III.2 )
the 'most probable' one.
III.4 Using the identified PIE root of the Dacian root, try
the identify new phonetics rules.
Check the coherence of this identification applying the
existing rules too.
III.5 Integrate the new rules and Re-check the coherence of
the whole set of phonetics rules.
Note N.III.2 Re-apply the previous steps until will result a
coherent model or an impossibility to end this process.
I welcome any feedback regarding the application of this method
on The Dacian language...
marius alexandru
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