Re: [tied] Re: PIE's closest relatives

From: george knysh
Message: 29392
Date: 2004-01-11

--- Alexander Stolbov <astolbov@...> wrote:
Or "hayday" is not a typo? What does it
> mean?

*****GK: Sorry. It is a typo. "Heyday" of course.*****

> (AS)Could you please give short quotations?

******GK: Sveshnikov writes: "On the basis of the
Stzhyzhov c. chronology, of the Pochap group [GK: This
is a late Podolian CW group], and of the late CW sites
of Volynia, Prykarpattja, and Podilia, one must date
the early phase of CW on these territories as of the
end of the IIIrd millennium BC." S. dates Stzhyzhov
and Pochap as "approximately from the beginning of the
IInd Mill. BC", because Stzhyzhov is clearly posterior
to Globular Amphorae, and this S. dates (via the
uncalibrated C14 evidence of Wislanski) to ca.
2300/2100 BC. (We now know that this is way too
late)==== The problem here, of course, is that S.
notes that the early Podilia CW has close ties to the
Koshelivtsi Late Trypilia as well as to the Funnel
Beaker culture. The author of the section on Funnel
Beaker (M.A. Peleshchychyn) points out (correctly) in
his piece that the earlier view of Funnel Beaker as
lasting through the end of the IIIrd mill. must now be
revised, and that this is fundamentally a mid-IV mill.
BC culture. As is the Koshelivtsi variant of Late
Trypilia. Peleshchyshyn BTW also notes the presence of
Funnel Beaker elements in early CW sites of the Upper
Dnister other than those mentioned by Sveshnikov. My
view is that Sveshnikov's dates must be reviewed,
though his field observations remain valid. So I
maintain that the early CW groups reached the border
area of today's Poland and Ukraine about 3800 BC,or
very shortly thereafter, occupying space between the
Funnel Beakers and Trypilians. As Trypilia
disintegrated the contacts between it and CW grew
stronger. Eventually some of these CW moved back
towards the east as the early Serednodniprovska c. I
would date this at the turn of the IIIrd mill., since
Seredn. is later than Globular Amphorae and develops
fully only in Catacomb times on the steppes (the
Catacomb culture beginning around 2900/2800 BC)*******

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