Eye to the soul (RE: [tied] Re: Merry Christmas !)

From: Glen Gordon
Message: 28804
Date: 2003-12-27

><to extraterrestrials in our galaxy and beyond, to the walking-dead,>
>How about iridologists ; o�)

No, that was covered under "extraterrestrials in our galaxy and beyond"
or possibly "the walking-dead". I never knew what iridology was until
you squawked against it. When I looked it up I found this description
of it:

"According to iridology theory, the iris serves as a map of the
body and gives warning signs of physical, mental, and spiritual

Fine. Almost sounds like Chinese medicine with the "qi". But then
you get into more research online, you find rather odd, suspicious
sentences like:

"When Von Peczely grew up, he became a physician
and never forgot the incident with the owl."

Hmmm. So you struggle on with Google to find other gems...

"In the struggle, the boy accidentally broke the owl's

Naturally, I have hard questions about this. Why did von
Peczely break off the owl's leg? For kicks? Couldn't order
some Kentucky Fried? Apparently it was an "accident" but
I'm thinking the boy had anger issues with his father and
needed an outlet. And then apparently there's Nils Liljequist.
Oh god, it's another Swede :) Let's see what people have
to say about him:

"[...] in 1871 he published a paper entitled: "Quinine
And Iodine Change The Color Of The Iris; I Formerly
Had Blue Eyes, They Are Now A Greenish Color With
Reddish Spots."

Once blue, now greeny-red. I hear ya, Nils. I'm thinkin'
heavy-duty party favours at this point. Are we sure that
it was quinine that he was given?

><Yes, Ikea shoppers really need our love and understanding > La Su�de ayant
>invent� l'ennui, l'IKEA l'a meubl�... :)

As a descendant of Stockholmers, I would almost feel
offended by that if it weren't for my Irish sanity (well,
relative sanity) that needs to drink away my hatred for
ABBA. You wanna talk ennui? "Knowing me, knowing
you..." AAAAH!!!

>Hi, Glen, and thank you for your intereseting ideas, and
>especially your maps, which I find extremely challenging
>and well informed.

As I keep on saying, I drastically need to update my site. I
should use my newfound time right now to do just that.
There's a lot to change at this point. I'll try when I finish
my holidays.

= gLeN

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