Re: [tied] Re: Slavic "drag-"

From: alex
Message: 28672
Date: 2003-12-20

Richard Wordingham wrote:
>> ... Thus it appears just the South Slavic form is the one who
>> hve had influence here on the Rom. Lang, if the word is ultimately
>> Slavic and not a loan into OCS and from here it has spread in all
>> Slavic Languages.
> The forms that have spread from OCS start _drag-_; the differing
> vowels in other languages show that the root was in Slavic before
> OCS.
> Richard.

This is what I think too. The only thing I wonder is what did happen in
the South Slavic that the /a/ did not changed to /o/; I am keeping here
in mind the form "vlasi" comparative with "volohi" for valchs.

Just one more question for Slavic. The problem is the suffix "osti"
which did not becam "oSti" and it is not very productive in Rom." That
is why I should seen as "dragoste" as being a loan direct from Slavic
and not a compound intern of Rom.

What kind of holiday is in Slavic countries on 24 Juny? The valachians
have the day of the sun and of the love; The day is called "Ziua de
Drãgaicã"; there is one holiday more in the Day of Dragobete (24
februar), a holiday related to love too.

I want to mention I don't see the root drag- as not being Slavic. For
the substratual word in Rom. ( I mean here Drãgaica) there is an another
word which is as well used as Drãgaica and this is called "Ziua de
If this is a substratual word, that remains open since many people tried
to see in it the Holy Diana (santa diana).
Against of "Sânzianã" as being the derivative of "santa diana" speaks
the word "zânã" (fee) which is considered to be derivated from "diana"
