Re: [tied] Re: Origin of Proto-Germanic Distinguishing Features

From: Harald Hammarstrom
Message: 28588
Date: 2003-12-18

> Adjective-Noun is seen as a consequence of the SOV word order,

Only in Eurasia, in the whole world in total SOV languages have
Adj-Noun as often as Noun-Adj (According to Matt Dryer's megadatabase).
Rel N is a strong indication of (S)OV though (but not the converse). The
only well-known language with Rel N without SOV is Chinese.

> You forgot to claim vowel harmony. There's a good deal of umlaut,
> especially in Scandinavian. However, it's regressive in Germanic,
> rather than progressive as in Finno-Ugrian or Turkicised Greek.

How does it work in Turkicised Greek?

