Re: [tied] Re: IE prefix "*s"... and neglected phonology

From: alex
Message: 28572
Date: 2003-12-17 wrote:
>> que l'/i/ secondaire issu de /é./ + /n/ simple passa a
>> /î/, mais seulement au Nord, derrière labiale, derrière
>> /s/, ou cons. + /r/: roum. vînã = ve:na, sîn = sinum,
>> frîn
> (vb. <a frâna> and fem. noun <frânã> + <frâu> "reins")

small correction here: "a frâna" and "frânã" are loans from French.
"frâu" is old.

>> = fre:num (mr. vinã, sin). Au Nord seul aussi appartient
>> le passage à /î/ (derrière labiale) de l'/i/ provenant
>> de /É/ + /n/ + cons., mais à la condition que la voyelle
>> de la syllabe finale fût une voyelle vélaire: roum.
>> vînt = ventum (mr. vimtu), cuvînt = conventum (mais pl.
>> cuvinte)."
> ... as well as indicative pres. 3rd pers: <cuvinteazã>,
> along with standard and more frequent <cuvânteazã>.

Hmm.. in the Muntenian way to speak (my Region of Prahova-Buzau) , this
dialect which is assumed to have developed the form with "âi" from "â",
there is no speach with "i" instead of "â" within the words. There is no
"cuvint, cuvinteaza, tiner, sprinceana, etc.. there are everywhere
strong healthy "â" there, thus "tânãr", "sprânceanã", cuvânt". etc...

> Perhaps, these should also be added: <vânãtor> "hunter",
> and <tânãr/ã> "young;" but: plur. m. <tineri>, plur. f.
> <tinere>, noun <tineret> "youth," vb. <a întineri> "become
> younger"

That will show that the change "â" > "î" due the influence of the next
front vowel is true. In fact I tend to think here is Piotr the one who
seems to be right where it ought I add the following mention:
This change "â" > "i appears _just_ when "n" is followed by an /e/ or
/i/. If there is a consonatal group or /nC/, the change does not occure
anymore. Example: întreba, închina,mãnânci, descânti etc.
It seems there has been a palatal nouance of "n" which determined that
"î" was opened to "i" as Piotr assumed before. Piotr, should this "i"
play the role of the off-glide you speak about?
