From: Miguel Carrasquer
Message: 28081
Date: 2003-12-07
>Miguel:So you cannot compare PIE with Japanese as far as personal pronouns are
>>Yes, and associated with a hierarchical socio-political system.
>So what??
>I already gave an example in English with a usage in theIn none of these languages has "the people" become a personal pronoun.
>same way as I theorize for MIE *ya:u. In fact, the usage would work
>in any language, and any "sociopolitical system" or lack thereof:
> English: "What do you think? What does _the people_ think?"
> French: "Que pensez-vous? Que pense _tout le monde_?"
> German: "Was denken Sie? Was denken _die Leute_?"
> Mandarin: "Nimen xiang shenme? _Zheige ren_ xiang shenme?"
> Cantonese: "Leide lam miye? _Digo yan_ lam miye?"
> MIE: */_Ya:u-se_, kWei-te weidete?/