From: Miguel Carrasquer
Message: 28028
Date: 2003-12-06
>>Japanese? You know that's not a valid comparison.There's no pronoun avoidance in PIE.
>How is it not?
>>What counts is the facts. All apparent cases of *yeu- can be explained asSkt. yugám, Lith. jùngas, OCS igo: all clearly *g not *g^. Armenian luc
>>*yeuh1- [...] How to interpret the facts is another matter.
>Alright, but since *-g- is not a uvular in *yeug-, maybe you should
>listen to your own advice and accept facts!
>>You mean *wéyes?Sure. Like *més "we". The *-es in *wéy-es and *swéy-es is secondary.
>Alright, then if *-es is "always" full grade (although that certainly
>isn't the case for the accusative plural *-ns), then it would seem
>that we must interpret the *-s in *yus as a fossilized nominative.
>I thought you wanted to derive *-s in *yus from the plural.