2. PIE /*o/ > Alb. /a/

From: Abdullah Konushevci
Message: 27864
Date: 2003-11-30

2. PIE /*o/ > Alb. /a/

PIE *od-1 `to smell' derives in Albanian <amë, ~a> `unpleasant smell'
< *odma:- (cf. Greek <hodme> `smell', Lat. odor `id.' (Pokorny, *od-
1). This root today is alive only in diminutive form <amëz> `id.',
but also in adj. <i amësht> `insipid, tasteless' and in sub.
<amështi> `insipidness, tastelessness'. Suffixed basic root *odra: >
*arë> erë as singularized plural `smell, perfume, odor'.

PIE *oid- `swell, strong'. Probably from some kind of qualitative
Ablaut *ai:dra- > orë `mythological creatures that help warriors
during the fighting': trim me orë `strong warrior', <njeri me
orë> `strong man', <orëprerë> `one which strength is weaked'.

PIE *om- `raw, bitter' derives as adjective *omlos > amul > i âmbul >
i âmbël/ i ëmbël, but e ambla/ e ëmbla < *omlaH2- `sweet' but
also "bitter" in compound words <tamlagjak> ` `celadine',
tamël `bitter milk'.

PIE *oner- `dream' > ânër/ânra `dream' with secondary forms

PIE *o:s, *os-k "ash tree' derives Alb. <ah> `beech tree', through
regular evolution of *-sk > -h (cf. *gne:sco > njoh `to know'), but
plural <ashtë> `beech woods (forest)' (cf. Ill. ON Osones).

PIE *ost(h)- `bone' > Alb. <asht> `bone', plural
<eshtna/eshtra> `bones'.

2. 1. PIE /-on/ > /-un/, if followed by stops

A nasalized form *ondma:- I guess derives in Albanian also
<ufmë> `swelter', where <f> has euphonic function. To my view, to
this root is also the origin of Alb. <duhmë> `stench', derived from
prefixed form *ad-ondma:-, where /h/ has also euphonic character (cf.
PIE *ak^, *onk^lo-, nasalized o-grade in lo-Stem > Alb.
uthull `vinegar', Lat. acetum `id.'; *onk^s-ta: > ushtë `lance,
spear'; PIE *ag^-, nasalized o-grade in lo-Stem *ong^lo- >
hulli `furrow', PIE *ong^a: > udhë `road', udhëheqës `leader'.

PIE *od-1 `disgust, hate'. Nasalized suffixed form *ondro-enyo >
urrej `to hate, disgust', <urrejtje> `hate, disgust'.

2. 2. PIE *or-/ol- > Alb. har-/hul

PIE *org^hi- `testicles' derives Alb. <herdhe> `testicles', as
singularized plural, from Proto-Albanian <hardhe> `id.'.

PIE ort- `vine' derives in Albanian <hardhi> `winestock'. It is worth
to be noticed that consonantal group –or/-ar at the beginning of the
word, makes them to be aspirated (cf. also Latin arcus > hark `arch,


2.3. PIE /*oi/ > /e/

*kWoina: > cen `defect, blemish', cenoj `to violate' (cf. Greek poina
< *kWoina, Lat. poena).

*bhoid-es, o-grade from of *bheid-`to trust' > Alb. be `oath, word of

* woik^os > vis `land, place,, also amvise `houswife, the cheaf of
the clan', mjedvis (Buzuku, vjedmis), today <mjedis> `environment,

*woin- `vine' > Alb. venë/verë, but <vëneshtë/vresht> `vineyard',
like vjel `to pick, to gather, but as noun <vjeshtë> `autumn, season
of fruit-gathering' (about suffix –este see also Illyrian place
names: Tergeste, Segeste, Bigeste, etc.)

2.4. ou > u

PIE diphthong /ou/, as was noticed also by N. Jokl,
*drou > drue (cf. Rom. Druete `thick and short tree') > dru,
druni `tree'

*deuk- `to lead', but o-grade form *douk- > duek, pl. dueq `sheaves'
< doukoi (cf. Old English tigan <douk-eyo.

* k^leu-, o-grade form *k^lou- > PAlb klou- > (g.) kluej, (t.)
quaj `to call, to name'


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