Re[4]: Expletives (was Re: [tied] All of creation in Six and Seven)

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 27830
Date: 2003-11-29

At 4:37:50 AM on Saturday, November 29, 2003, Glen Gordon

> Concerning "shit, shite, shat", Brian states:

>>Not a good example, I think. <Shite> appears to continue OE
>>*<sci:tan> (cf. <besci:tan> 'to befoul' and ON <skta>,
>><skeit>, <skitinn>), with <shat> from the OE preterite

> Then why is "shat" used in the present sense?

I've never heard or seen the usage. I *have* both heard and
seen it used as a past tense.
