Re: [tied] mereu 0002-DARO-A-0000 (eimieion PION mereu DARO)

From: alex
Message: 27736
Date: 2003-11-27

Dr Dan Waniek, MD wrote:
> Hello All!
> There is an interesting theory in France about proto-ionians (PION).
> I kindly submit my proposal for a discussion of older etyma here,
> starting from some interesting points made by Jean Faucouneau
> (concerning pre-mycenaean Greek.) Despite his pathological self-
> effacing habits, Jean, inter alia, helped decypher the famous
> Pahistos disk.
> First a word about formats in my own database:
> ----
> 0002-DARO-M-0300 (eimieion PION mereu DARO, PHRE ROTA)
> ----
> only states that 'eimieion' - by some phonetical metathesis and some
> rotacism - yielded 'mereu' in Dacoromanian, and this is my second
> conjecture, with a score of three in a scale of ten :) Any other
> idea is highly appreciated.

eimeion > mereu ? ; phoneticaly imposible.

Mereu fits semanticaly and phoneticaly with eng. "more", German "mehr"
and it is cognate with Rom. "mare" ( big), "mãri" (to become big) as the
Germanic vermehren the same does...
PIE *me-
