Re: Illyrian=Albanian (2)

From: alexandru_mg3
Message: 27428
Date: 2003-11-19

Hello Abdulah,
I don't know if this will help or disturb your explanation (hope to
help it) but I will write here what I know about : Arabon / Rabon
names (source is Vasile P^arvan - Getica) :

Arabon - river attested by Ptolemeu in Panonia

Rabon - (today Jiul) - river attested in today Romania

Also an exclamation was found: "Bessa, Rabo!" regarding a "bessicae

Parvan considered this word <(a)rabo> a Dacian one (I'm very
curious regarding a possible PIE for it?).
(I learned from him the method to compare more similar toponyms in
order to identify the possible stems and also the origin of the word
(Dacian, Thracian, Ilyrian, Celtic), when the meaning of it is

So ARBON(A) - seems for me very related to (Arabon and Rabon also
river names...), and could be an older ARABON

All the Best,
Marius A.

--- In, "Abdullah Konushevci"
<a_konushevci@...> wrote:
> APOLLONIA > Alb. Pojan, same place name with aphearesis, as Avlona
> Vlona/Vlora and Astibos > Shtip.
> In the case of river name VJOSA, attested in antiquity as Aou, Aia,
> Aea, Aos, Ana, Aoos, Aous (Scyl. 26, Polyb. V 110,1; XXVII 16,3.
> XXXII 5,10; 10,2; XXXIII 4,1. Strab. VII 316 Max.. I 5,2. Mela II
> 3,57. Plin. NH III 23, 26. Flor. II 7. Ptolem. III 12,2. Cass. Dio
> XLI 45. Steph. Lakmon and Parauaioi. Zonar. NH IV I.) I think that
> we may suppose a contracted diphthong /ao/ to long /a:/, which
> derives Alb. Vo- (cf. PIE *a:ter- > Alb. Votër/vatër or Greek/Latin
> loans: orphanos/orphanus > Alb. I vorfën/I varfër `poor, orphan',
> oleum > Alb. (g.)voj, (t.) vaj `oil'), where palatal glide /j/ is
> euphonic sound and ending –osa. So oldest form should be Vojosa >
> Vëjosa > Vjosa. If I have not forgot, Slavic form Vojuša, probably
> via Dalmatian, testifies about this preform.
> ARBON(A) (Polyb. II 11,15. Steph. s.v.), besides Arbana (place name
> in Albania) could be explained through PIE *h3orbh- `to change
> allegiance or status' > Alb. Arb-, root of Albanian national name
> Middle Age Arban/Arbër < *h3orb-en, that undergoes metathesis of
> liquids in Slavic form Raban, Rabanaški. Form as katundi(village)
> Arbanash is attested more than 40 times in different Slavic
> ERENIK, river name in Kosova. According to my view, it is of Celtic
> origin < *aire `strong river', through regular evolution of PIE
> diphthong /*ai/ > /e/ (cf. *baita `goat skin' > Alb. petk (Buzuku,
> petëk `clothes', *aig^- > edh `goat kid', etc.). I am not sure
> other river names, extended in /s/ or /z/: Ersekë and Erzen in
> Albania.
> Regards,
> Konushevci

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