From: g
Message: 27187
Date: 2003-11-14
>Oh, really?! As far as in your quoted text (a part of the wholee.g. <umin'> or <omin'> (I don't remember exactly) for <oameni>
>letter) one can see "den" instead of "din", "se-au" instead of
>"s-au", "pre" instead of "pe"; the document contains also other
>spellings which might be related to some minor phonetical changes.
> Old English, as even the guys from which you took your wav fileNeac$u's letter is contemporary with, say, Shakespeare's English
>precise in their pages, "is generally taken to cover the period
>c600-1100 AD". It is not the same period with Neacsu's letter
>(1521 AD).
> The thing you should keep in mind from the OE example is thatOE was contemporary with Althochdeutsch, that is as... exotic to
>normal languages' behaviour is to modify themselves in time.
> Marius Iacomig