Albanian Names (1) --> Aziz

From: alexandru_mg3
Message: 26832
Date: 2003-11-02

Regarding the Thraco-Dacian origin of Albanian name : Aziz

I. From [P^arvan, GETICA, Cap. V. p. : 228 and 229] :

"Ceea ce e insa absolut caracteristic, e numarul insemnat al
elementelor getice, intilnite in toponimia regiunii dintre Salona si
Apollonia. Astfel, pe drumurile care duceau la Narona la Scodra
Tabula Peutingeriana numeste statiunile Asamo, Adzizio si Berzumno
(Miller, o.c. p. 468 sqq.), care sint identice sau aproape,
cu Samus-Asamus, Azizis si Berzobis din Banat, Ardeal si Bulgaria
getica. De altfel, insasi numele Scodrei se regaseste epigrafic in
acea regio Scodrihesis (CIL., VI 2698, cu || Patcsh p.169), cunoscuta
noua din Dacia Aureliana .
Apoi pe acelasi teritoriu unde am intilnit pe Scirtones, apar
localitatile [Termidava] si [Eiminacium] (Ptol. II 16, 7) indicind
aceeasi directie dacica, dinspre Oltenia, Banat si Serbia, a
migratiei getice spre Adriatica. Pe via Egnatia, la apus de
Scirtiana, deci incadrind-o tracic, HI (Miller, Itin. Rom. p. 520, cu
harta de la p. 518) pomeneste o mutatio cu numele Brucida , pe care
Tomaschek (I, p.28), dupa Wesseling, a amendat-o la Brugiada,
adica la nom. [Brygias] punind-o in legatura cu numele stravechi al
poporului [Brygoi], credem ca Brucida (ca Ibida in Tinutul getic din
Scythia Minor) reprezinta o forma mai degraba inrudita cu Brucla (ca
Genucla) si cu [Bregedava] (cf. Tomaschek II 2, 63) - toate Dacice -
fiind poate, ea insasi, o prescurtare din Brucidava."

My (aprox.) English translation :
"What is absolutely characteristic is the great number of Getic
elements, found in the toponimy of the region defined between Salona
and Apollonia. Thus, on the roads that went to Narona and Scodra
Tabula Peutingeriana named the localities Asamo, Adzizio and
Berzumno (Miller, o.c. p. 468 sqq.), that are identical or almost
identical, with Samus-Asamus, Azizis and Berzobis from Banat, Ardeal
and getic Bulgaria. Also, even the name of Scodra is found
epigraphically in that "regio Scodrihesis" (CIL., VI 2698, cu ||
Patsch p.169), that we already known from Dacia Aureliana.
Then, on the same territory where we found Scirtones, appear also
the localities [Termidava] and [Eiminacium] (Ptol. II 16, 7)
indicating the same Dacic direction, from Oltenia, Banat and Serbia
to Adriatica. On via Egnatia, on the west from Scirtiana, with
Thracic toponims around, HI (Miller, Itin. Rom. p. 520, with
the map from p. 518) talks about o mutatio with the name Brucidava,
name that Tomaschek (I, p.28), after Wesseling, amend it to Brugiada,
so to the name [Brygias] making a link with the ancient name
of the tribe [Brygoi]. We think that Brucidava (like Ibida from the
Getic Land from Scythia Minor) represent o forms related better with
Brucla (like Gerucla) and with [Bregedava] (cf. Tomaschek II 2, 63).

II. From [P^arvan, GETICA, Cap. V. p. : 262] :

[Aizizis] -> perfect cunoscut, atit din Dacia, cit si, ca migratie
getica, din Dalmatia, (v. mai sus, p. 229). Asezat de Ptolemaeus cum
trebuie, in Banat, dar cu latitudinea si longitudinea gresite.
Originea numelui e indigena (cf. Tom., II, 2, 53). De acceea gresit
compara Mulle, p. 449 si Schutte, p. 93,numele de zeu Azizus
documentat epigrafic la Potaissa (CIL. III 875) si care e si ca nume
si ca obirsie syrian (cf. cit. chiar la Muller si v. Roscher, Myth.
Lex. s.v.)

My (aprox.) English translation :
[Aizizis] -> well identified, both in Dacia, but also with a similar
toponym in Dalmatia (see page 229). Ptolemeu placed it correctly in
Banat, but with a false latitude and longitude. The origin of the
name is Dacian (cf. Tom., II, 2, 53). So we do not have to wrongly
compare it like Muller, p. 449 and Schutte, p. 93, with the name of
the God Azizus, epigraphic documented at Potaissa (CIL. II 875), that
is a name of Syrian origin(cf. cit. even Muller and v. Roscher, Myth.
Lex. sv.)

P.S. For Mr. Iacomi :
Mr. Iacomi please learn to be polite especially when you don't
have enough knowdledge on some subjects, and don't suppose in the
future that nobody have these knowledge. It is not very fair from
your side to do appreciations like :
"I fail to see the faintest indication for their supposed Northern
Thracian ancestry. Have you discovered meanwhile some Dacian glosses
supporting your claim?"
You wrote these things "like an expert in that field" when you
don't know the subject (see P^arvan above analysis).
It is not the first time you make such asumptions (in another
mail you wrote):
"Well, I suppose you never heard about inherent mutation rate in
genetics, about genetic drift and so on. You have a long way in
front of you for which you will need to learn a lot of things you
don't know of yet. Stochastical processes and other related stuff" chance I work in the computer science field and also by
chance I developed genetic algorithms and used stochastic
methods...but even addressing words like these, to an ignorant person
in that fields it is hard for me to understand such reactions from a
well educated person.
It is easy to say to somebody "you are an idiot" in place to put
your arguments on the table, on honestly these kind of expressions
tell more about how you are than about the person that you address
such injectives...