Re: [tied] Slavic "o" ( it was Romanian Loans in OCS?)

From: alex
Message: 26383
Date: 2003-10-12

m_iacomi wrote:
> Miguel's point was different (and had I had enough time, I'd
> had also a comment on that): the A-list is a bad set choice for
> Slavic words since most of them are late church-related loans
> from Greek; one should beter make an O-list or so...
> Cheers,
> Marius Iacomi

I was aware of what Miguel pointed out and you are right, I have had to
mentiony here Anthony but not Miguel regarding the loands from Slavic.
As for "o" since "o" initial is more slavic ( see adin:-)) we can make a
short try. Since the words which follow are considered to be from Slavic
I don't write anymore "< Sl." but just "<".There where there is given a
specific Slavic language I will mention it:

obádã < obedU
obârSie < obrUs^ije
óbcinã < obc^ina
obiálã < Bg. obijalo
obicéi < Bg. obic^aj
obídã < obida
obijduí < obiz^don (prez. ind. of obidEti)
obiSnuí < obcinã < Bg. obc^ina
oblánic < Scr. oglavnik
oblãduí < obladovati
oblânc < oblonkU
oblicí < oblic^ti
obloji < oblojiti
óblu < oblU
obor(1) < Bg./Scr. obor
obor(2) < Rus. obor
oborî < oboriti
oboroc < Ukr. uborok
obosi < Bg./Scr. oboseja/obositi
obrats < obratU
obráz < obrazU
obrinti(oprinti) < obUjentriti
obsígã < Bg./Scr. obsila/ovsika
obSte < obIs^tije
ocãrî < ocarjati
ocârmui - not from but like in Slavic ocrUmiti
ocinaS < otIcI nas^i
ocinã < otIcina
ocnã < okno
ocol < Rus. okol
ocroti < okrotiti
odãjdii < odez^da
odihni < Bg. otdihna
odolean < Ukr. odoljan
odor < Scr. odor
odorob (hodorob, hodorog) < Rus. udoroba
odraslã < otraslU, odraslU
ofili < Rus. ohilet
oglindi < oglendati
ogoí - not from but like goi (Sl. goi shoud mean peace here)
ogor < Bg. Scr. ugar
ogradã < ograda
ohabã < ohaba
oiSte < Bg. ois^te
olmáz < not from but like Ukr. Rus almaz
omag < omEgU
omãt < ometU
omorî < umoriti
opaits - like Sl. opajecI, Rom. vãpaie
opãci < Bg. opac^a, Scr. opac^iti
opãri < Bg. oparja, Scr. opariti
opincã < Bg. opinka, opinAk
opinti - like opEnti
oprég < Scr. opreg
opri < oprEti
orândã < Ukr. orenda
orândui < urenditi
orcic < Ukr. orc^yk
ortac < Scr. ortak
osána < osanna
osândi < osonditi
(de)osebi < osebiti
ósie < osI
osteni < ustanon, Bg. ustan'a, Rus. ustat'
óstie < ostI
ostoi < ustojati
ostrets < ostrec
ostrov < ostrovU
otavã < Bg./Scr. otava
otpust < otUpustU, Rus. otpusk
otravã < otrava
otsãrî < Bg. ocerea
otsel < ocElU
otset < ocItU
ovãz < ovesU
ozor < Ukr. uzUor

Here are a lot of semantic changes too, but one can discusse about them
on each word and not on the whole list. The phonetical aspect remain the
interesting part since we have enough of Rom. "o" there where the Latin
word is "a".


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