From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 26284
Date: 2003-10-07
> Is it theoretically incorrect to calculate the objective criterionI've passed this message for the sake of the above question, which
> the "smallest amount of mutations" from other any other point? E.g.
> Proto-Germanic?
> Then to see if sum of all language family mutation is bigger or
> smaller?
> The Sanskrit is definitely archaic but is it panaca for everything?Who says that Sanskrit is a "panacea"? Do you mean that the PIE
> In Proto-Germanic may be a word
> Bhrother
> Bohrater <>bohater is the same process as in
> Oder <> Odra (a river)
> The mostly exchanged form of bhrather will be non- nominative
> Bhradzie in east Slavic traces of h exist in bradzie bracie bradiaga
> (The Slavic "brat" is not used only to family members but to close
> friend or somebody they like to consider a friend, family member is
> to good known by name to talk to him bhrather)
> There is also parallel semantically close form (friend)
> Doroze <> drOZe, dróże ,drużba, drudzia, druzia, druh, drug, dra=
> g
> Which mean somebody equal we follow with in space or time. Today also
> as wedding best man.
> What do you thing about <> which way > or < ?
> If bohratera bohater hater hero will be considered proto-word then
> what will be the possible earliest form of it, source?
> Boh tyż , boh tera, boz tyż, bo tyż
> Where tyż tyrz tyZ = to also
> boh, boż bog = god ,the top of hierarhy
> and then
> boh, boho = bo +ho bicose high
> bo że, bo dze = because this (his word is last to obey)
> while dzy dzub teth is the natural sound for many roots sharp, power,
> reason.
> Perhaps this walk thru is not correct but I see that we tend to
> explain one word by another and not to extend this thought to end.
> Like in this example:
> Where form is derived word A?
> A is derived form B.
> Ok.
> But isn't it natural to ask automatically where from is B?
> John