From: Miguel Carrasquer
Message: 25962
Date: 2003-09-23
>> Specifically, if the root is indeed *styeH rather than *steyH,I should add that this clever etymology for Greek so:ma "body" (usually
>> stya:yate: can be *styoH-ey-e-toi.
>That is what I discarded to begin with on the basis of Goth. stains and
>Gmc. *{th}ai-sman- 'leaven' (OHG deismo), which latter may form a paradigm
>with Gk. sô:ma (*[s]táyH3-smn, *[s]tiH3-smén-s 'compact mass'), which then
>formed the o-infix derivative *stóyH3-no- 'made of a compact mass'.