Re: [tied] Re: Romanian [TIT&]

From: alex
Message: 25283
Date: 2003-08-24

tolgs001 wrote:
> [sorry for having sent the 1st one by touching
> the return key by mistake.]
>> In my Germ. Etym. Dict. the German word "Zi[t]ze"
>> [SNIP]
>> In Rom. Lang the word is used for everything wich
>> presents an "appendix" á la "tit of the cow". [SNIP]
>> Alex
> In Romanian, the primeval meaning of this word is
> (as for instance in German Zitze) "mamma." Period.


> And, by the way, in the same Romanian language it's
> quite weird to say "tzâtza vacii," since "vaca"
> has "uger" in Romanian. And this is valid irrespective
> of some sloppiness of some subdialect or another -
> throughout the so-called Daco-Romanian dialect of
> the Romanian language.

Absolutely wrong. A cow has an uder and the uder has four teats ( in
fact some have 6 , but the last two are almost not bigger developed as
1-2 cm). None will confunde uder with teat.
> In the same Daco-Romanian dialect, the difference
> between tzâtza and sân is also a stylistic one:
> apart from underlining the meaning "mamma," a
> native speaker won't use the word tzâtza and
> its plural tzâtzele, except for a sexist and/or
> porno context.


> Women themselves will use it even
> to a lesser extent, preferring the words sân
> and piept ("breast"). Otherwise the word is
> rather restricted to the animal world and esp.
> to small mammas.

George, be please serious. Every woman in the rural area ( and I am
afraid in the urban area too) will talk to another woman using "TâTa"
without any sexist nature or a pornographic one.There are expresions as
"copil de TâTã", "I-a crescut TâTele", "nu i-ar mai fi dat mã-sa TâTã",
etc. Is too absurd to sustain a special sexo-pornographico aspect in the
using of this word. "TâTã" became in urban area vulgare and this is all.
Did you not grown up in a peasantly enviroment ?

> If you present aspects of vocabulary of Romanian,
> then please do inform this mailing-list in a correct
> way.
> George

I am afraid I do it usualy. Definitions cf DEX for TâTã
1) teat; Loc. Adj. about children "copil de TâTã"= suckling; Loc. adv.
"la TâTã"= at the breast; Expresion " a da TâTã"= to give to suck to
babies.; " a avea TâTã"= to have teat, meanig to have enough milk;
2) the mouth of the jug wherefrom one drinks
3) the cel where the Quen of the bees is developing
4) Compunds:
botanical: TâTa Caprei (tragopogon pratensis); TâTa oii; TâTa vacii
(primula elatior); TâTa-fiului (Polygonum bistorca), etc.

Diminutival "TâTiSoarã","TâTucã";"TâTulicã" Adj. "TâTsoasã" (with big

I am not sure if these words are related to the same root:
TâTalã( an intrigant, a person who looks always for trouble); TâTãrcurã
(chip, splinter); TâTeicã (sort of mouses)

Derivative from TâTa which are not related to human body are :
TâTan ( a kind of grape); TâTãnoc (furuncle); TâTar (sucking bottle);
TâTârigi (kind of pimento)

I wonder if the verb "a aTâTa" (to stir; to incite; to whet; to rouse;)
is related here.
