Re: Re[2]: [tied] Velesu/Volosu

From: alex
Message: 24802
Date: 2003-07-25

Miguel Carrasquer wrote:
>> Germaninc "volk" is still not cleared and I assume you have the
>> answer for this word. Do you?
> It's obviously unconnected to Gmc. *walh-, Celtic *volk-. The
> Germanic word comes from *plk-os > *pulkaz (> Slavic *plUkU ~ *pUlkU
> "army, regiment").
> =======================
> Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
> mcv@...

The Slavic *plUkU meant "army, regiment"? Curious, the Rom. word seems
to have an older sense as the Slavic one. It means simply "group". "Un
pâlc de copaci"=a group of tree.
In the midle Age it have had the sense of "army" because it meant an
military unit which was the equivalent of a regiment. Usualy, speaking
about people "pâlc" means a small and unorganised group of people.
