Re: [tied] Latin verus

From: m_iacomi
Message: 24747
Date: 2003-07-21

--- In, Miguel Carrasquer wrote:

> On Mon, 21 Jul 2003 09:43:05 +0000, m_iacomi <m_iacomi@...> wrote:

> Basically, what Coromines says is that he doesn't accept any
> expressive / child-language shortening of stand-alone CONSOBRINU >
> COSINU. According to him, the shortening occurred exclusively in
> the long formulas CONSOBRINUPRIMU, CONSOBRINUSECONDU, especially
> in the first and most used one (with its near reduplication
> -BRIN(..)PRIM-). As proof he adduces the S. Italian words
> conzuprimu, cunzuprinu, etc. Then, either the -prim(o)/
> -se{gc}ond(o) was chopped off (Fr., Cat., Ita.) or alternatively,
> the *cosin(o)- was (Cast., Port.).

That is: independent chopping out of the same useless part (which
was there in order to account for reduplication thought by Coromines
as potential factor of phonetical evolution, if I got your point;
and useless since "conso:bri:nus" was meaning also `first (male)
cousin` in Latin) in three Western Romance?! BTW, in Sicilian is
not "conzuprimu" but "cuçinu". I think that Coromines' vehemence
is probably the result of some previous animated discussions with
disagreeing fellow linguists.

>>> In case the meaning is not altogether clear:
>> [...]
>> Coneix el català, moltes gracies. :-)
> [Conec]

Vaig fer broma amb la tercera, evidentment. Veure el "smiley".

Marius Iacomi