Re: [tied] Germanic nominal declensions

From: Miguel Carrasquer
Message: 24671
Date: 2003-07-18

On Thu, 17 Jul 2003 19:54:04 +0100, P&G <petegray@...> wrote:

>>>Instrumental: Sreitberg also notes forms in *-mi and *-bho
>>In Germanic?
>"Next to the instrumental in -e:/-o: there appears to exist in germanic also
>some instrumental forms from -mi, cf Fr Kluge, Pauls Grundriss 1:386 Notes.
>One can well see OIce at hofDum, OE aet heafdun, OHG zi houbitum as
>representatives of this form. The main area in which this form is found is
>outside the -e/o stems.
> With the PIE instrumental suffix -bho,

Now I wonder what this PIE instrumental suffix *-bho is. We have of course
*-bhi/*-mi in Greek (-phi), Slavic (-mI), Armenian (-w, -b), and an
instrumental plural case suffix *-bhis (apparently *-bhi:s in Balto-Slavic
and Avestan), but I can't say I've encountered *-bho.

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal