Re: karam

From: g
Message: 24404
Date: 2003-07-10

> I assume you see here Latin carus as being a vehicle which "bear"
> something thus, you think of a verb of it. If you do it, do not forget
> the Celtic "caruca" (waggon)

That'll be another (a further) discussion. I only mentioned
what "a cãra, cãrat" means in Romanian ("to carry something",
"to carry somebody", "to carry oneself"). Ordnung muss schon
sein, oder? ;)

>> So, I'm eager to learn in where/how is this Bulgarian "karam" related
>> to which Romanian word.
> A loan maybe? If yes, then the "m" there in the Bulg. word should be
> form the pers I pl (cãrãm)?

Hold it! First of all: which Romanian word is seen as corresponding
to that Bulgarian "karam"? Eva didn't mention that it was the
Romanian verb above.

> Alex
