Re: [tied] karam

From: alex
Message: 24377
Date: 2003-07-09

Abdullah Konushevci wrote:
>> *****GK: Are these not in fact "pan-slavic" words?
>> "kara"=punishment, penalty. In Ukrainian, "karaty"
>> "pokaraty" = to punish. Is there an IE root at work
>> here or must we look for other sources, e.g. Altaic
>> perhaps?******
> ************
> No, there are all chances to be a loan from Albanian <kar> 'penis'.
> It's natural behavior of all languages to loan words of alternative
> dictionary from other languages, because they look less obscene.
> So, Serb. <karati> is just denominal of Alb. <kar> (cf. Alb. fut <
> Lat. futuo, confutuo, furrëqi < Lat. fornix, -icis).
> We have also in Persian <kar> 'tool', <kargah> 'set',
> <karhane> 'factory'.
> It is worth to be noticed that in polite conversation is usually used
> periphrastic expression 'that thing' for 'penis'.
> Konushevci

In gypsy language "kar"= penis, in fact the very obscene word as in
Serbian "kurãc", Cehian "c^urac".

Now to "karam":

the word has in Rom two meaning. Once this is "to bear" and once, in the
reflexive form it means "to move". Literary an expresion as "carã-te!"
means "Hau ab!" .
I guess you won't wonder to find out that the Rom. word derive cf DEX
from a reconstructed Latin *carrare

Now, there is something a bit specialy similar with "cãra" in the sense
of move which is the verb "cãrãbãni". It looks like "caravane" but cf
DEX this is a deviation from the Turkish expression: "çek arabyi" which
should mean " get your car out of the way".

These are just some additional information I wanted to give to the list
