Re: Mohyla-Movila

From: g
Message: 23998
Date: 2003-06-28

>The OED derives it (with a question-mark) from "S. German dial. <mugel>,
><mugl>" (also meaning 'a bump on a slope'). *mu:gan- 'heap, stack, pile,
>hillock' is attested in NW Germanic (<mow> in English dialects, plenty
>of evidence in Scandinavian), and <mugel> does look like a southern
>German diminutive from a base that no longer exists in the language.

Indeed, South German, esp. Austrian, Mugl. (The South-German
spelling without an -e- > -el is preferred for underlining the fact that
in pronunciation the schwa is almost non-extant.) Quasi synonym for
Buckel/Höcker "bump".

>Coincidence just happens.

This mugel-mögel-mogil-magur-etc. seems to be more than coincidence...

