Re: [tied] Re: Albanian Christian religious terminology

From: george knysh
Message: 23900
Date: 2003-06-26

Let's have some fun.
--- alex <alxmoeller@...> wrote:
> george knysh wrote:
> >
> > *****GK:
> >(Alex) cr�ciun= creatione related to arianism.
> This can be, it has nothing to do with Christianity.
> The 25 December was
> the day of the re-born of the Sun in the old pagan
> rituals and too the
> day of Mithra.

*****GK: Agreed. But we're discussing the adopted
Christian date for the birth of Jesus, and its
Romanian name.*****

> The rom. word for "creatio" is "facere" and there is
> no inherited word
> for Lat. "creatio".

****GK: But as Marius has pointed out, in the 4th c.
when the Danubian populations (incl.the
proto-Romanians) were being "Christianized", the
relevant language was Latin. So "creatio" would be OK,
and its utilization for what we mean by "Christmas" by
Arian-leaning groups would also be OK. Once the word
was adopted in that sense, it would be subject to the
laws of development which affected all other Latin
words in today's Romanian would it not? And the fact
that other meanings of Latin "creatio" left no
descendants (if what you say is correct) is
interesting but hardly decisive.****

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