[tied] Re: Creole Romance?

From: m_iacomi
Message: 23898
Date: 2003-06-26

--- In cybalist@yahoogroups.com, "alex" wrote:
> g wrote:

>>> ever thought about why Norberg does not mention the Eastern
>>> Romance at all in the examples he gives? Or he does it but I
>>> was not reading carefully?
>> Because there ain't no texts in Eastern Romance in the 1st
>> millennium (perhaps except that "torna, torna, fratre!" :-)

... to make the link with Medieval Latin, Church language for
Western Romances.

> a turna:vt to pour; to cast; to teem (off);

What are you quoting exactly, and why?!
"(in-, ras-)turna" have the etymon in Latin "torna:re" (`to turn,
to make round by turning on a lathe`.

> In fact I guess there is no "turn back" but a "rãsturna" which
> make sense with the episode mentioned.
> rãsturna= to turn over, to turn down, to overturn. cf DEX: ras+turna
> ras: compound element from Slavic ras-, raz-
> Slavic? It can be. What about Dacian names as "Rescutur(m)e",
> "Rascu(m)poris"? They will look like "rescuturã" and "rãscumpãrã".

What about your "(m)"?! Still wondering on coincidences?!
You make even less sense than usual.

Marius Iacomi