Albanian Christian religious terminology [Was: Re: [tied] Basilica

From: Abdullah Konushevci
Message: 23886
Date: 2003-06-26

--- In, george knysh <gknysh@...> wrote:
> --- Abdullah Konushevci <a_konushevci@...>
> wrote:
> > > For <God>, Rom. <Dumnezeu>, Albanian used words
> > <perëndi> (also
> > > <atë>, <zot>), discussed few months before in this
> > list
> *****GK: My apologies for asking again. The Archives
> search engine didn't work for me re "zot".*****
> as one
> > > inherited word, not a loan as Alex means;
> *****GK: Just "perandi", or are all three: "perandi"
> "ata" and "zot" --- "one inherited word"?*****

[AK] I mean about <perëndi> (you probably have not forgot Perun,
Perkunas). <Atë> is also Albanian inherited word for 'father', as is
<Zot> for 'God'.
> about
> > Jesus they used
> > word
> > > <hyu> 'god',
> *****GK: So this is actually a fourth word for
> "God"?*****

[AK] No, its third one and belongs, to my view, to the stage of the
Christianization of the Albanians.
> which, according to my view, is from
> > Greek ho huios,
> > > latter ho hüios 'son', due to Sanctam Trinitatem.
> *****GK: So there is no single designation for "God"
> in Albanian (akin to Romanian "Domnezeu" English "God"
> Slavic "Bog(h)" Latin "Deus", et sim.)?*****
I could say that most general word is <Zot> 'God', which in
Christian stage became compound one <Zotynë> 'Our God'.
> > Albanian
> > > <pagëzoj> 'baptizare' was meant that is derived
> > from Lat., but,
> > > accoring to my view, it is derivatives of Albanian
> > *bag-, present
> > in
> > > <bagëm> 'ointment, chrisom, chrism', otherwise the
> > /-g-/ in verb
> > is
> > > unexplainable.
> *****GK: So acc. to you this word too is an "internal
> construction" rather than a straight loan. The more
> such there are, the less one may assume the presence
> of effective early Christian missionaries.*****

[AK] Yes, to my view, it's internal constuction and testifies that
Proto-Albanians was in one ore other way religiously orginized also
before their christianization.
> <Christmas>, ALb. Kërshëndella, new
> > calque
> > > linguistique Krishtlindje.
> ******GK: How is this analyzed?*****

[AK] It is derived from Christi Natale, through evolution of /-ri-/
> /-ër-/ (cf. Alb. përspjet < Sll. prispeti 'to pop up'), /-st-/
> /sh(t)/, the /t/ is missing, avoiding a clust of three
consonants, /l/ > /ll/ in intevocalic position and voiced stop /t/
after the nasal.
> > > Albanian <Shëlbyes> 'Saviour' is an iternal
> > creation of the verb
> > > shëlbej< Lat. 'salvare'.

> *****GK: I don't quite understand. In Latin "salvator"
> and "salvare" are also closely related (obviously).
> Which doesn't stop "salvator" from being an early
> ubiquitous term in Christian literature. When you say
> that in Albanian "Shalbyes" is "an internal creation"
> of "Shalbej" is this just a casual comment pointing
> out the obvious, or are you saying something more,
> e.g. that the term was coined later?*****

[AK] No, the term is coined from the verb shëlbej< Lat. salvare and
is nomina agentis, like krijoj < creare 'to create, to invent' and
Krijues 'Creator, inventor'.
> > Sorry, I forgot <resurrection>. About this word in
> > Albanian is used
> > a prefixed form <ngjallje>, derived from the
> > adjective <i
> > gjallë> 'live', discussed also very deeply few
> > months ago.
> *****GK: So both in Albanian and in Romanian a central
> concept of Christianity cannot be linguistically
> related to the standard vocabulary of Latin Christian
> propaganda (word not used pejoratively here).*****

I don't see any reason to loan this word, when in Albanian the
prefixed verb <ngjall> 'revive' and <ngjallje> 'resurrection' fully
covered the meaning of Latin word.
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