Albanian Christian religious terminology [Was: Re: [tied] Basilica

From: Abdullah Konushevci
Message: 23853
Date: 2003-06-26

Dear friend,
Here are some of my noticed words on Albanian religius dictionary in
alphabetic order:
Adiunare > (t.) agjëroj/ (g.) n-(ad)iunare
Altar > lter
Andrea > Ndre
Castigo, are > ndë- + shkoj
Christus > Krishti
Cinis, eris > qiri
Consecrare > kungoj
Consolor > n- kos(n)olor > ngushëlloj
Conventus > kuvend
Christianus > i kërshter/i kërshten
Crux, -cis > kryq
Daemon > djemn
Diabolus > djall
Discipulus > dishepull
Episcopus > ipeshkv
Evangelium > ungjill
Fides > fe
Infernum > ferr
Johannes > Gjon
Josephus > Zef
Judaeus > Gjudi
Maledicere > mallkoj
Mane vigile > mënjillë
Maria > Mëri, dim. Mrika
Miraculum > mrekull
Missa > meshë
Monachus > murg
Orare > uroj, uratë
Ordo, -inis > urdhër
Paganus > i pëgër, të pëgërët `mess'
Paradisus > parriz
Pascha > pashkë
Paulus > Pal
Pax, -cis > paqe
Peccatum > më- (pe)ccatum > mëkat
Petrus > Pjetër
Poena > penesë/pendesë
Presbyter > prift
Quadragessima > kreshmë
Rosalia > rrëshajt
Salvare > shëlboj, Shëlbyes (internal creation for Salvatore)
Sancta Trinitatem > Shëndartat
Sanctus > i shenjt
Spiritus > shpirt
Staephanus > Shtjefën
Tradere > truej/truaj
Virginem > virgjën/virgjër

I believe that the number is much bigger, but, for now, I think it
is enough. You have possibility to compare them with Romanian words
or to get the opionion of Romanians friends. (All these words are
derived in full concordance with Albanian sound-laws.)
For other historic facts, we will discuss tomorrow.

--- In, george knysh <gknysh@...> wrote:
> --- Abdullah Konushevci <a_konushevci@...>
> wrote:
> the common
> > word for <church>
> > is "kishë", an aphetic form of Greek word via Latin
> > <ecclesia>,
> > through regular evolution /kl/ > k in Gegë dialect
> > and /s/ > /sh/.
> > And, at last, at most all Albanian religious
> > dictionary is from
> > Latin, because Albanians were christianized before
> > the Slavs
> > invasion in Balkan, and this present the rare pearl
> > of Latin loans
> > in Albanian.
> >
> > Konushevci
> *****GK: First of all I want to thank Sorin for
> sending me the very useful pages by Pacurariu. I'll
> get back to some of this presently.
> I'd like to put a few questions to our Romanian
> participants, to Abdullah, our Albanian friend, and to
> anyone who is interested and/or has the information:
> Do Romanians and Albanians have much or any Christian
> ecclesiastical terminology in common? We know that the
> word for "church" differs. What about the following
> key concepts:
> (a) God. Rom,: DUMNEZEU. Alb.: ?
> (b) priest. Rom.: PREOT. Alb.: ?
> (c) baptism. Rom.: BOTEZ. Alb.: ?
> (d) Christmas. Rom.: CRACIUN. Alb.: ?
> (e) resurrection. Rom.: INVIEREA. Alb.: ?
> (f) Saviour. Rom.: SALVATOR*. Alb.: ?
> * is this a recently borrowed term ? Pacurariu doesn't
> mention it.
> After their initial Christianization (when?) did
> proto-Albanians also "drop out of sight" of both Latin
> and Greek secular and ecclesiastical hierarchies? If
> so, when is the first historically reliable mention of
> the Albanians in mediaeval times? ******
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