23-06-03 21:30, alex wrote:
> An[t]oine Meillet:
> a)les mots français ne se groupent guère en familles
> b)L'isolement est l'etat normal du mot français
> Gaston Tuaillon "Un texte juridique du XIII-e siecle en langage
> dauphinois ."la Burtifele" 1/1982:
> [blah blah blah]
What do Meillet's informal and obviously hyperbolic dicta have to do
with what I said about French inflectional morphology? The other
opinions you cited are equally irrelevant. The topic was the origin of
French, not linguistic snobbery or the social perception of French
dialects. The fact that speakers of Parisian French were reluctant to
regard the Midi varieties as truly French has absolutely nothing to do
with what we are discussing. Try to stick to the topic.