Re[2]: [tied] talea ( it was Re: RO eccles. term.)

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 23696
Date: 2003-06-21

At 3:59:39 PM on Friday, June 20, 2003, alex wrote:

> It should be interesting to know how deduced Pokorny that
> ta:lia:re was "urprunglich Zweige schneiden" since as per
> Miguels view, from the cutted stock derived the meaning
> "to cut" but not contrary.

What it actually said (as quoted by Daniel) was

lat. ta:lea `Sta"bchen, Setzling, Setzreis', dial. fu"r
*ta:lia, wie auch ta:lla = ta:lia `Zwiebelhu"lse';
Denominativ ta:lia:re `spalten, schneiden' (urspru"ngl.
`*Zweige abschneiden').

As I understand it, the claim is that the verb <ta:lia:re>
is derived from the noun <ta:lea>, originally in the sense
'Zweige abschneiden' and later generalized to 'spalten,
schneiden'. If that's what is meant, the semantics seem
perfectly straightforward: 'a young shoot' > 'a cutting' >
'to cut'. Which is exactly what Miguel said.
