Re: [tied] talea ( it was Re: RO eccles. term.)

From: alex
Message: 23673
Date: 2003-06-20

Miguel Carrasquer wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Jun 2003 04:34:44 +0000, altamix <alxmoeller@...>
> wrote:
>> P.S. the verb for " to cut" is indeed " a tãia" < *taliare. Which
>> should be the known latin word which gave *taliare for the romance
>> taia, tallar, taliare?
> It's Latin taleare, a derivation from talea "cutting".
> =======================
> Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
> mcv@...

ta:lea, ae f. "Stäbchen, Setzling, Setzreis; jedes abgeschnittene
stabförmige Stück; spitzer Pfal, Eisenbarren ( seit Cic. Rom., ebenso
"ta:leola" ds. seit Colum.); samt "ta:lio:", -a:re "spalte, schneide (
seit Grom., "intertaliare" "dividere vel excidere ramum". Non.p. 414) zu
Gr. "talis" f. "mannbares Mädchen, Braut", ion. "talis" f.
"Hülsengewächs, Bockshorn, "telethao", "grüne, bin kräftig", alit.
"talokas" m. "junges Mädchen" (urpsrgl. Ntr. eines Adj. formal = ai.
"talasa [neben Talisa] " eine Baumart, s. Specht KZ 68.39 ff. gegen
Fraenkel KZ. 51,249 ff ; ältere Lit. Fick I 440 , Prellwitz s.v.) Lit
a(t)toala "nachheu, Grummet" (aber aksl. "talijI, talija" = grüner
Zweig" ist nach Leksien IF. 19,207 entl. gr. "Thallios= thallos) ai.
"talah"=Weinpalme, "tali"= eine Baumart (Uhlenbeck s.v.) -ea ist nach
Ernout El. lat. dial. 235 dial. Lautgebung dür im Denominativ
"ta:lia:re" vorliegende -ia.

There is no IE root given.

I have to say it is hard to see the semantic evolution of "stäbchen" to
the verb " to cut" or to "mädchen" or to "grün", but this is something
I am just attracted by something else. There is Latin "ta:lea"=
Stäbchen, Setzling" and there is Romanian "TãruS" = Stäbchen, Setzling;
jedes abgeschnittene stabformige Stück,; spitzer Pfal.

cf DEX, etym. of TãruS= unknown etymology. the root seams to be the same
*tVr-, the suffix beeing an another and the "V" being too an another, It
looks like there must be an "e" but I don't know if we can get in Latin
an "a" from an older "e".
Can we get it?

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