>but you will never can say " we are sinners =
>"noi sintem greshiti", just "noi sintem pacatoshi"
Hehe, lemme remind you <<... Si ne iarta,
[Doamne], pacatele noastre, precum si noi
iertam *gre$itzilor* nostri...>>. Well,
these "gre$itzi", in their relationship to us,
have committed some mistake, error or...
sin AFA we are concerned. Thus seen, they
are sinners and the usage of the word in
this context makes transparent the link
to what George has underlined.
>For the another non-religious use of "fault"
>there is vina
Vina is not fault, but... guilt.
(BTW "fault": in soccer, Romanians say "fault"
[fa-ult] when they should say "foul". :)